Yamba Malawi supports caregivers to launch their own businesses, move out of extreme poverty, and invest in their children’s futures by improving access to food, health, education, protection, and care.…Read More
Yamba Malawi supports caregivers to launch their own businesses, move out of extreme poverty, and invest in their children’s futures by improving access to food, health, education, protection, and care.…Read More
Trees for the Future (TREES) provides smallholder farmers pathways out of poverty and hunger by planting trees in forest gardens around the world.…Read More
Sanku scales technology and business solutions that put critical nutrients into the food that hundreds of millions of malnourished people eat the most.…Read More
The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) is an international non-profit organization working towards a hunger-free future in more than 40 countries by sustaining, uniting, and strengthening food banks.…Read More
Innovation: Africa is an organization bringing Israeli innovation to African villages by engaging in top-quality, sustainable, scalable, and renewable infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa.…Read More
Kickstart finds profitable business opportunities open to many thousands of poor people and then design, manufacture, market, and sell simple technologies that unlock these opportunities in Africa.…Read More