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Wharton Stories:
Five MBA students talk about their Pre-Term experience, exploring Philly, and what they’re looking forward to this fall.
Wharton Welcomes the MBA Class of 2023
Gayatri Karandikar, WG’19, spent a summer at PepsiCo as a global strategy intern, reflecting on oats, healthy food innovation, and cultural awareness as she combines her passion for nutrition with global business knowledge.
How a Personal Journey to Nutritional Balance Led This MBA to the Food Industry
The Cluster and Cohort system was designed with the hope that it takes a group of 864 and allows it to feel like a smaller community.
How a Wharton MBA Cluster Is Built
Each Cluster has built a lasting legacy in five short years — complete with mottos, cheers, costumes, and signature events they’ve passed on from class to class.
What Makes Each Wharton Cluster Unique
Think of Convocation as a bookend to Commencement — you walk together as a class for the first time through the doors of Irvine Auditorium and in two years, you’ll process out of the Palestra as Wharton graduates.
The Story Behind Wharton Convocation and 7 Pieces of Advice to Begin Your Academic Journey
These thinkers, doers, and innovators come from a myriad of backgrounds and from places all around the globe. Get to know some of the basics about the MBA Class of 2018 in this infographic.
Introducing Wharton’s MBA Class of 2018
Inside Wharton’s MBA Pre-Term (Video)
The Cluster experience begins with the Olympics, continues with Cluster suppers and events, and culminates in the Cluster Cup, which spans the entire year and incorporates academic achievement and social responsibility.
First-Year MBAs Celebrate Fifth Annual Wharton Cluster Olympics
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